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Smartphone kharidne se pahle kis bat dhyan rakhe


What to keep in mind before buying a smartphone

What to keep in mind before buying a smartphone

People do a lot of research before buying a smartphone but they forget some important things and today we are going to tell you the same. 

If you are going to buy a smartphone, then it can be harmful for you to hurry too much. Some programs are running around every day. If you forget to check the essential features and specifications of the phone, then what happens is that once you buy a smartphone, After that you have to repent because you are changing your smartphone and not getting another smartphone. If you also want to buy a new smartphone and here is where you are, why don't you do any mistake? Today we will tell you something important. I am giving you tips, thanks to which you will be able to buy a smartphone easily and you will not have any kind of problem.

Camera 📸

Nowadays in the market, smartphones with 16 megapixel cameras can easily be found at a lower price. If you are also buying a smart phone then keep in mind that good camera use is included in the smartphone. It is not necessary that you buy a smartphone with 16 megapixel camera. If you are worried that you can choose between 48 to 50 megapixel cameras, then it will be a loss deal for you. 

RAM and Storage 

If you are buying a smartphone then you should not select a variant less than 6GB RAM and 128 GB storage because when you download the files in your smartphone or then take a photo or make a video then your RAM will gradually reduce. Therefore it is important that it should be at least that much for your smartphone. 


Whenever you buy a new smartphone, you should try to ensure that a 5000mh battery is required because if a low battery is not enough for your smartphone, then if you want the latest technologies, a 5000mh battery is being offered in less smartphones.


Nowadays AMOLED display is very common, it is said that it also gives quite clear vision, so mainly you can tune in to a smartphone with MLA display, it will easily fit in your budget. 


Hope you have understood this trick, if not then you can ask by commenting, your problem will also get solved, if you like this information then do share it with your friends so that they can also know, like this Please follow our blog for information, Thank you 😊 

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