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200 + Amazing font collection (decorative, handwriting,horrer, movie, bold, etc) zip file

200+ amazing font collection zip file download


Fonts play a vital role in the world of design and photo editing. They help to bring life to a project and add personality to any piece of work. A good font can elevate the design, making it look professional and eye-catching, while a poor font choice can detract from the overall aesthetic. This is why having a large collection of premium fonts is essential for graphic designers and photo editors.

In this article, we will be discussing over 200+ premium font files in TTF format, which includes a large collection of fancy, bold, decorative and handwriting fonts. Whether you are creating logos, posters, websites or editing photos, this collection of fonts is perfect for any design project.

Types of Fonts in zip file:

Fancy Fonts:

Fancy fonts are ornamental and decorative fonts that are used to add a touch of elegance and sophistication to a design. These fonts are perfect for creating logos, invitations, and other projects that require a touch of glamour. Some popular fancy fonts include Black Jack, Bodoni, Brush Script, and Curlz.

Bold Fonts:

Bold fonts are used to make a statement and grab attention. They are perfect for headlines, titles, and other important elements of a design. Bold fonts are also great for creating logos and branding elements that need to stand out. Some popular bold fonts include Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Franklin Gothic, and Impact.

Decorative Fonts:

Decorative fonts are designed to add a touch of artistry and creativity to a design. They are perfect for posters, advertisements, and other projects that require a touch of flair. Some popular decorative fonts include Algerian, Black Chancery, Castellar, and Forte.

Handwriting Fonts:

Handwriting fonts are designed to look like hand-written text, giving a personal touch to a design. They are perfect for creating greeting cards, scrapbooks, and other projects that require a touch of intimacy. Some popular handwriting fonts include Brush Script, Lucida Handwriting, and Pacifico.

Demo of font 

200+ amazing font collection zip file

List of Popular Fonts:


Arial is a sans-serif font that is widely used for its clean, modern look. It is a popular font for both digital and print design projects.


Calibri is a sans-serif font that is known for its legibility and modern look. It is a popular font for use in documents and presentations.

Times New Roman:

Times New Roman is a serif font that is widely used in academic and professional writing. It is a classic font that has been around for decades.


Verdana is a sans-serif font that is designed for use on digital screens. It is known for its legibility, making it a popular font for websites and online documents.


Georgia is a serif font that is known for its elegance and timeless look. It is a popular font for use in books, magazines, and other print projects.


Helvetica is a sans-serif font that is widely used for its clean, modern look. It is a popular font for branding and advertising projects.

Gill Sans:

Gill Sans is a sans-serif font that is known for its classic look and elegance. It is a popular font for use in logos and branding projects.

⬇️ Download fonts zip 

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In this post we will provided information about 200 + Amazing font collection (decorative, handwriting,horrer, movie, bold, etc) zip file, If you enjoy this post, kindly share it with your friends. For any queries, feel free to join our Telegram channel, where we share exclusive and informative content. Many valuable tips are exclusively available on our Telegram channel. Stay updated with your favorite source, DK Technozone.

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