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cheapest website design service for beginners

 Hot 🔥:- Buy this website template 

Do you also want to get a professional website designed and web developers are demanding more money from you, then you  are welcome 🤗

website designing by me

I can create different types of sites for you, and as per your requirements. 

We can also create a clone website in blogger

Wp web design charges are - ₹3000
Blogger web design charges are - ₹1000

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If you go to someone else for website design, then they can charge you expensive charges above ₹ 5000 and if you get the design done from us, then we will do it for you for ₹ 3000. We charge only that thing which requires hard work. We will do this on your blog and it may take at least 1 to 5 days to create the site.

If you still have any question then you can ask us by messaging us on Telegram, we are ready to answer all your questions

we can create any kind of website if you want. If you have a demo of someone's site, then also do the same.


  • Register 1 top level domain from anywhere, otherwise we can create it on Blogspot also 👍
  • Hosting: If you want to build your site on WordPress then 
  • Some details like social link and a few words about you
  •  Nothing else 🙂

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Features for all 💓

  1. 100 percentage Responsive
  2. Unique Design
  3. 90+ Pagespeed Insight result 
  4. Featured Post option
  5. Dark mode feature 
  6. Newsletter for email notification 
  7. Footer Social media section 
  8. Back to Top Arrow 
  9. 100% Responsive Related Post Section
  10. All Device Responsive
  11. 90+% Seo Friendly in all page 
  12. Fully AdSense Responsive
  13. Custom Sticky Header
  14. Breadcrumbs Schema
  15. POPULAR post slider 
  16. coloured social icon 
  17. balance body colour
  18. Image and link shadow
  19. Animated mobile menu
  20. Telegram, YouTube ,Google news  custom follow button 
  21. Buttons ✅
  22. Font awesome shortcode support 
  23. Gradient footer bg

Last word

In this post we will provided information about cheapest website design service for beginners , If you enjoy this post, kindly share it with your friends. For any queries, feel free to join our Telegram channel, where we share exclusive and informative content. Many valuable tips are exclusively available on our Telegram channel. Stay updated with your favorite source, DK Technozone.

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