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Google Maps: Secret Tricks & Features

Google Maps Tricks & Features

Secret tips and tricks , features and uses of Google map 


Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. It offers satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views of streets (Street View), real-time traffic conditions (Google Traffic), and route planning for traveling by foot, car, bicycle (in beta), or public transportation.

Google Maps has become an indispensable tool for millions of people worldwide who use it for navigation, exploration, and finding local businesses. While most people are familiar with the basic functions of Google Maps, there are many hidden tips and tricks that can make the experience even better. In this article, we'll explore some of the most useful features and secret tips and tricks for getting the most out of Google Maps.

Upload photos of any location and meterials

In Google map you can upload your tour pic into map like when you are going to any place you can upload clicked photos to save your Moment online on Google map your uploaded photos reaches to people and help to know the particular location knowledge you can be a local guide to provide imagenary details of a place and you will get lacks of veiw in your photos.

Run your business or shop in map

When you have a shop or buisness you can put on Google to increase offline traffic in your shop or you can also start a delivery features to provide your business home to home. Before adding shop in map you need to verify your business and then you able to receive online masseges and. Orders from peoples. 

Save Offline Maps

One of the most useful features of Google Maps is the ability to save maps offline. This feature is especially helpful for travelers who don't want to incur data charges when using maps abroad. To save an offline map, simply search for a location in the Google Maps app, then tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner and select "Offline Maps." From there, you can select the area you want to save and give it a custom name.

Share Your Location with Friends and Family

Google Maps allows you to share your location with friends and family, making it easier to meet up or keep track of each other while on the go. To share your location, simply tap the three-dot menu icon in the Google Maps app and select "Share location." From there, you can select the people you want to share your location with, choose how long you want to share for, and add a message if you like.

Explore Street View

Google Street View is a feature of Google Maps that provides 360° panoramic views of streets. This is a great way to get a feel for a new neighborhood or check out a place you're considering visiting. To use Street View, simply search for a location in Google Maps and drag the yellow pegman icon onto the map. You can then navigate the street by clicking and dragging in any direction.

Get Real-Time Traffic Information

Google Maps provides real-time traffic information to help you plan your route and avoid congested areas. To see real-time traffic information, simply search for a location in Google Maps and tap the traffic icon in the bottom right corner. You can then view traffic conditions in real-time and plan your route accordingly.

I have already writted a article on this topic

Chek How to ad your shop in map

Get Walking, Driving, and Public Transportation Directions

Google Maps makes it easy to get directions for walking, driving, or public transportation. To get directions, simply search for a location in Google Maps, tap the directions icon in the bottom right corner, and enter your starting location and destination. From there, you can choose your preferred mode of transportation and get step-by-step directions.

Discover New Places

Google Maps is a great tool for discovering new places, whether you're looking for a new restaurant, bar, or park. To discover new places, simply search for a location in Google Maps and tap the "Explore" tab. From there, you can view a map of nearby places and get more information about each one, including reviews, ratings, and photos.

Measure Distance

Google Maps allows you to measure the distance between two or more points on the map. To measure distance, simply search for a location in Google Maps, tap the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner, and select "Measure distance." From there, you can add multiple points to the map and see the total distance between them.

Last word

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