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Popup social media follow button for website

How to add a beautiful pop-up and animated social follow button 

Popup social media follow button for website

Adding a pop-up social media follow button in your Blogger website is a great way to increase your social media followers and engage with your audience. A pop-up social media follow button is a button that appears on your website when a visitor hovers over it. In this post, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding a pop-up social media follow button in your Blogger website.

Step 1: Choose Your Social Media Platforms

Before adding the pop-up social media follow button, you need to decide which social media platforms you want to display. You should choose the platforms where you are most active and where you want to grow your following. The most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Step 2: Create Social Media Buttons

Once you have decided which social media platforms to display, you need to create social media buttons. You can create social media buttons using different online tools available on the internet, but in this post I will provide 3 demos for these button 

Step 3: Upload the Buttons to Your Website

After creating the social media buttons, you need to upload them to your Blogger website. To do this, go to your Blogger dashboard and click on the "Layout" tab. Then click on "Add a Gadget" and select "HTML/JavaScript" from the list.

Next, paste the code for your social media buttons into the HTML/JavaScript box. 
Change the link before adding the script 

Required materials

  1. picture or logo
  2. YouTube fb or telegram link

Step 5: Customize the Pop-Up Social Media Follow Button

Now that you have added the pop-up social media follow button, you can customize it to match the design of your website. You can change the background colour depending on your need or account that you have use.
You can also use this Gradient Color code picker tool to colour your button , only you neeed to change background colour of button by adding 
background:linear-gradient(to right, rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 255)); for Instagram or more.


Adding a pop-up social media follow button in your Blogger website is a simple and effective way to increase your social media following and engage with your audience. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily add a pop-up social media follow button to your Blogger website and customize it to match the design of your website
Download code

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