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Gello premium blogger template for free

Gello premium blogger template for free


gello Premium Blogger Template is one of the most advanced templates for Blogger. This template comes with amazing features out of the box, making it the most suitable template for magazines and news sites. It is highly customizable and supports RTL mode which makes it ideal for RTL websites. In this article, we will discuss the features of gello Premium Blogger Template in detail.

Features of gello Premium Blogger Template:

1. SEO Friendly:

gello Premium Blogger Template is SEO friendly and optimized. It comes with several SEO tags that help improve your website's search engine ranking.

2. Fully Customizable:

The gello Premium Blogger Template is highly customizable. You can easily change the colors, fonts, and layout of your website according to your preferences.

3. Responsive Template:

The gello Premium Blogger Template looks modern and responsive on both mobile and desktop. This means that your website will look great on any device.

4. Modern Design:

The gello Premium Blogger Template has a modern design that looks great on any website. It comes with modern animations that make your website look professional.

5. Dark Mode:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a dark mode that gives your website a unique and modern look. This feature is great for websites that want to stand out from the crowd.

6. Categorized Post View:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a categorized post view that helps you organize your posts by categories. This makes it easier for your visitors to navigate through your website.

7. Header Date View:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a header date view that displays the date and time on your website's header. This is a great feature for websites that publish news or time-sensitive content.

8. Header Bookmark View:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a header bookmark view that allows your visitors to bookmark your website. This is a great feature for websites that have repeat visitors.

9. Popular Post Ticker View:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a popular post ticker view that displays your most popular posts on your website. This is a great feature for websites that want to showcase their best content.

10. Social Media Plugins:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with social media plugins that allow you to integrate your social media accounts into your website. This is a great feature for websites that want to increase their social media presence.

11. Back to Top Button:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a back to top button that allows your visitors to quickly scroll back to the top of your website. This is a great feature for websites that have long pages.

12. Advanced Footer:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with an advanced footer that allows you to add widgets and links to your website's footer. This is a great feature for websites that want to showcase their important pages.

13. Good Looking Search Box:

The gello Premium Blogger Template comes with a good looking search box that allows your visitors to easily search for content on your website. This is a great feature for websites that have a lot of content.


In conclusion, the gello Premium Blogger Template is a great choice for websites that want to have a modern and professional look. It comes with amazing features that make it highly customizable, responsive, and SEO friendly. Whether you are creating a news site, magazine, or any other type of website, the gello Premium Blogger Template is definitely worth considering.




All premium blogger template are provided for personal use Only you can't use These materials in your business and your can't sell, transfer,or republish if you really want to use all premium features and Apdate i will call you to purchase it From the real owner, i can understand a devloper hardwork ,and if the theme owner have any problem then i can delete This post in future for more visit our contact us page

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