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How to add automatically alt tag in Images Without Alt tag

Enhancing SEO: Automatically Adding Alt Tags to Images Without Alt Attributes

Enhancing SEO: Automatically Adding Alt Tags to Images Without Alt Attributes

If you want to add the alt tag where you have missed to add so you are in a best post here i am providing a script that helps to add automatic alt tag on your images and this alt text is your post Title. 

How to add automatic alt tag on your images where you have missed to add 

1st method

Simply copy this script and add into your blogger layout by adding a html javascript gadget and save it 

2nd method 

Go to your theme section then edit html and add this script above your close body tag then save 

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  // Get all the image elements in the blog post content
  var images = document.querySelectorAll('img');

  // Get the post title
  var postTitle = document.querySelector('.entry-title').textContent;

  // Loop through each image and set the alt text if it's not already set
  for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
    if (!images[i].hasAttribute('alt') || images[i].getAttribute('alt').trim() === '') {
      images[i].setAttribute('alt', postTitle);

Features of auto alt script 

This script helps to add alt where you have not added alt tag in images in some case you forget to add alt during writing post but don't vary this script only add add alt text to your image by finding the img class which helps to increase your website seo score

In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), every detail matters. From high-quality content to well-structured metadata, each element contributes to your website's visibility and ranking on search engines. One often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the "alt tag" or "alt attribute" for images. In this article, we will delve into the significance of automatic alt tag generation for images lacking alt attributes and explore the benefits it brings to your SEO strategy.

Understanding Alt Tags and Their Importance

Alt tags, short for "alternative text," are HTML attributes added to image elements on webpages. These tags serve a dual purpose: they provide a text description of the image content for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers, and they offer context to search engines about what the image depicts. Search engine algorithms cannot "see" images like humans can, but they can understand alt tags, which helps improve the accessibility and indexability of your website.

The Challenge: Missing Alt Tags on Images

One common issue that arises is the presence of images without alt tags. This can occur due to oversight during content creation or when images are added dynamically. In such cases, search engines struggle to comprehend the image's content, potentially leading to missed opportunities for better ranking and visibility.

The Solution: Adding Automatic Alt Tags

To address the challenge of missing alt tags, an innovative solution comes in the form of automatically generating alt tags for images without them. By utilizing JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM), you can implement a script that scans your webpage for images without alt attributes and assigns them relevant alt text based on the surrounding content or metadata.


Benefits of Automatic Alt Tag Generation for SEO

1. Enhanced Accessibility: Automatic alt tags improve the accessibility of your website for users with visual impairments. Screen readers can accurately describe the image, ensuring a more inclusive browsing experience.

2. Improved SEO Ranking: Search engines prioritize websites that provide comprehensive and accessible content. By adding alt tags to all images, you signal to search engines that your site cares about user experience and is committed to delivering valuable information.

3. Keyword Relevance: While alt tags shouldn't be stuffed with keywords, they do provide an opportunity to include relevant keywords naturally. This can contribute to the contextual understanding of your content and potentially improve keyword relevance in search results.

4. Image Search Optimization: Alt tags play a vital role in image search results. When users search for images related to specific topics, images with descriptive alt tags are more likely to appear in relevant searches.

5. Reduced Bounce Rates: When users understand what an image represents, they are more likely to engage with your content and stay on your website longer. This can lead to reduced bounce rates and improved user engagement metrics.

Implementation and Best Practices

To implement automatic alt tag generation, use JavaScript to traverse your webpage's DOM, identify images without alt attributes, and assign them relevant alt text. Ensure that the generated alt tags are descriptive, accurate, and succinct. Avoid keyword stuffing and prioritize clarity.


 automatic alt tag script for images without alt attributes is a valuable practice for improving both accessibility and SEO. By enhancing your website's inclusivity and helping search engines better understand your content, you pave the way for higher visibility, increased user engagement, and ultimately, improved SEO rankings. Embrace this technique as part of your SEO strategy to optimize your website comprehensively.

Last word

In this post we will provided information about How to add automatically alt tag in Images Without Alt tag , If you enjoy this post, kindly share it with your friends. For any queries, feel free to join our Telegram channel, where we share exclusive and informative content. Many valuable tips are exclusively available on our Telegram channel. Stay updated with your favorite source, DK Technozone.

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  • vaggelis
    vaggelis 15 January 2024 at 18:39

    Hi ,it looks very good, however, when I place the script on my blog, I get this message

    The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup. error 400

    • Dhanjee Rider
      Dhanjee Rider 20 January 2024 at 20:01

      Add a HTML javascript gadget on sidebar then save
      In edit html it can't be save

    • vaggelis
      vaggelis 20 January 2024 at 20:15

      Yes,working.. Tank's

  • Grandee Salazar
    Grandee Salazar 2 April 2024 at 19:37

    Gracias ....

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