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1000+ premium pixellab plp free download

Largest pixellab plp colection dk technozone
Largest pixellab plp colection 

Friends, today we are going to give you 1000+ pixellab plp collection , in which you will get all types of files, whether you want to make a gaming logo, business card or thumbnail, you will get everything in this collection. 

what is pixallab plp 

Pixallab PLP is a file that helps businesses and individuals create professional graphic designs for logos, banners, posters, slideshows and other digital media content. Using this tool you can create unique insights and engaging visual messages for your business.

Using different fonts, colors, images, icons, and other resources in Pixallab PLP you can make your design unique to your business and brand. This tool is very simple to use and does not require any prior designing experience.

How to use Pixellab plp project file in your phone?

Follow these instructions step by step:

  1.  First of all download this project file from here.
  2.  After that, go to the Pixellab app and click "My Projects" or "Open PLP".
  3.  Now click on PLP at the top of the window.
  4.  Find the downloaded project file in the Downloads folder of the file manager.
  5.  Select the PLP file and click "open and add" button.

 Congratulations, your project file has been installed. Now you can edit the downloaded PLP project file completely. If not, then go to the layer and check whether it is locked or not. Then after unlocking it, you can set it anywhere. 

How to add custom font in Pixellab 

Follow these steps to add a custom font to Pixellab:

  1. First, you need to download a TrueType font file (.ttf or .otf). This file is available on the internet or you can get it from any other source.
  2. Open a file manager on your Android device and access Pixellab's directory.
  3. Now copy the font file to a folder, which should be in Pixellab's folder. The folder should be named "Fonts" and you may have to create a new one.
  4. Now open Pixellab and go to the text box where you want to write the text.
  5. Now a dropdown menu will appear with the name of the font. Here you can see your new custom font.
  6. You can automatically update your text by choosing your custom font.

Friends, today we are going to give you 1000+ pixellab plp collection, in which you will get all types of files, whether you want to make a gaming logo, business card or thumbnail, you will get everything in this collection.

This way, you can add your custom fonts to Pixellab

How do I extract a PLP file in PixelLab?

Pixellab is a photo editing application available for Android and iOS devices. In this you can edit your photos as well as create text, stickers and other products.

To create your own PLP file, you can use the interfaces available in this application. Follow the following steps:

  • Open the Pixellab app and tap "Create."
  • Then you have to select a photo. A photo can go without being selected if you want.
  • Now you will see various options for editing a photo. You can tap on the "Text" option and write your own text.
  • Now you can edit your text, such as font, size, color, style and more.
  • You can choose any of the available stickers or even add your own picture by tapping on the "Sticker" option. After that when your design is complete you have to save it as project instead of save it as image and then click on my By clicking on the project, you can save its PLP file in your file manager at any time and send it to anyone. 

You can see the steps in this picture

1000+ pixellab plp file download

Download all Plp file no.1

Plxellab Plp file no.2

Last word

In this post we will provided information about 1000+ premium pixellab plp free download, If you enjoy this post, kindly share it with your friends. For any queries, feel free to join our Telegram channel, where we share exclusive and informative content. Many valuable tips are exclusively available on our Telegram channel. Stay updated with your favorite source, DK Technozone.

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