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localmag news wordpress theme

localmag news wordpress theme

localmag is the fastest thing built on the General Press theme, designed to incorporate multiple elements for designing each page. You can modify any option one by one, ensuring that even if there’s a mistake, your entire site’s structure won’t break. This theme offers a variety of elements, so you won’t need to meddle with anything extra. It provides custom label-wise posts.

Customizing it is very easy; you just need to import the elements and general settings, and your site is ready. Lastly, you’ll need to add custom CSS in the “Add CSS” option according to your custom requirements, and your site will be fully ready within 5 minutes.

This theme is built exclusively with the GeneratePress theme, without using any other elements or page builders. It only uses the GenerateBlocks plugin provided by GeneratePress, which helps maintain your site’s speed. To create this design, you’ll need GeneratePress Premium, which we provide with the files.

localmag news wordpress theme features:

  1. Mobile Responsive Design
  2. Lightweight Design
  3. 100% SEO Optimized
  4. Newspaper Home Page
  5. Design with Animation Effects
  6. Custom Blog and Archive Pages
  7. Social Sharing Buttons
  8. Author Box and Related Posts
  9. Custom Footer Section

We’ve tried to make this design mobile-friendly and SEO-friendly, while also improving loading speed. We’ve managed to achieve a 90+ score on speed tests for all pages. However, you may notice a slower speed on our demo hosted on free hosting, as the server takes a little time to load. But if you try it on your premium hosting, you’ll get a 90+ PageSpeed score on all pages.

DEMO buy now 499

If you have some technical knowledge, like editing HTML and page builders, setting this up should be easy. If not, we can do it for you for just ₹200, and after that, the only task left for you will be writing posts—nothing else.

So that was all about localmag, a lightweight theme that helps give your blog a fast and sleek look.



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