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tech hub technology wordpress theme

Rs 499
tech hub technology wordpress  theme

tech hub technology wordpress  theme


tech hub is a wonderful and fast loading template with 100% seo friendly and responsive to all devices it also have all usefull feature that make it a best tech Blog theme for wordpress


  1. 100% responsive seo friendly and fast loading
  2. easy to import no codding required for installation
  3. custom elements design so you can modify each part of website when you need
  4. Full setup free with theme no extra charges for setup
  5. Made on generate press premium and gp theme
  6. No elementor or Gutenberg used
  7. used Generate blocks which is lightweight and compatible with gp theme
  8. external social share button+ Social share button
  9. custo footer with social plugin
  10. used Dracula plugin for dark mode (no effect on speed)
  11. Activation in 1 minutes
  12. 15 ×7 support
DEMO buy now 499

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