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Chat Gpt Post Formatter : Get Html Post Code

what can i do?

When you copy the writen articles from chat gpt it contains #,-,*,. and many this post  format only works in block editor in WordPress But when you are using blogger or classic editor in WordPress the post not looking good with # and * and you need to format it manually 

But Don't wary this tool helps to formate the whole post into html post code which can be used in html view in blogger and text view in wp to write post with proper heading bullet points bold tag and other tags 

How to use 

  1. Just use copy button in chat gpt website to copy the written articles or text 
  2. Paste in the input area by removing demo content from text area
  3. Click on format 
  4. Now copy the generated html post code and paste on blogger or any content management system 🙂
  5. And All set ✅ enjoy ❤️ 

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