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Responsiveness chek

See Your Site Responsiveness By responsive chek tool

How it Works:

1. Add your URL to the input field.
2. Click "GO" to reload the preview or press Enter to reload the page.
3. Admire your work.


  • - Works with http://localhost/, making it ideal for capturing screenshots of local development URLs.
  • - Share a link with your site embedded using "?url=http://www.yoursite.com" as shown in the example.

About "responsive chek tool":

This tool facilitates quick screenshot capture of various device breakpoints for responsive design. It aims to expedite the process, especially when a full suite of products isn't readily available, making it helpful for visually explaining responsive design concepts to clients.

Please note

  • - This tool is not meant for testing; it's crucial to conduct testing on real devices.
  • - It's designed for quick screenshots and visual aids during client meetings.

Available Viewports:

  • - Desktop: 1600x992px scaled down to scale(0.3181)
  • - Laptop: 1280x802px scaled down to scale(0.277)
  • - Tablet: 768x1024px scaled down to scale(0.219)
  • - Mobile: 320x480px scaled down to scale(0.219)

A Note on Viewports:

The chosen viewports are based on responsive PSD layouts, primarily featuring Apple devices. While other device suites may be considered in the future, the current selection reflects the tool's basic functionality.